“Your name is Gerardo, just like mine” he said.
“That’s why my vineyards will be yours”.
Thinking back to my grandfather, a smile comes to my face as I reflect on how, after 30 years of all sorts of ups and downs,
I have gone back to my roots, proudly receiving my grandfather’s legacy to make in the focus of my entire life.

Welcome to Cantine del Notaio

The passion for winemaking is not new to the Giuratrabocchetti family and has been handed down for 7 generations.

The Company

From 1998, Cantine del Notaio enhances Aglianico del Vulture grape, combining tradition, innovation, history and culture.

Vines and Vineyards

The Aglianico grape has been known since ancient Greek times. Celebrated by the latin poet Horace, it grows at the slopes of the Vulcano, the Mount Vulture.

The cellars

Natural caves, dated 1600, cut into the volcanic Tufo rock, guarantee exceptional conditions for the ageing of wine. Our French oak barriques thus rest in a perfect balance of temperature, constant humidity and ventilation.


Our growing techniques are inspired by biological and biodynamic criteria, aimed at strengthening accumulation of both water and organic substance.

Il Lascito
Il Sigillo
La Firma
La Procura
Il Repertorio
Il Protesto


La Raccolta
La Parcella
Il Preliminare


Il Rogito
La Scrittura


La Nota
La Stipula Bianca
La Stipula Rosè


La Postilla
Il Passaggio


Wines and the Ancient Vulture terroir

The Basilicata Region is a small and uncontaminated area in the green heart of Southern Italy.


Il Vino è il Canto della Terra.

Luigi Veronelli

Wine is the Poetry of the Earth.

Mario Soldati

Wine is the Sunliht held together by water.

Galileo Galilei

A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world.


Wine is the intellectual part of a meal.


Never trust a man who doesn't drink wine.


He who knows how to taste wine does not drink wine but savors secrets.

S. Dalì

Men are like wine, some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.

E. Montale

Bevo una bottiglia al giorno salvo quando sto male, in quel caso, ne bevo due!

Vescovo di Siviglia

Penicillin cures, but Wine makes people happy.


When the wine goes in, strange thing come out.

Johan Christph Friedrch Von Schiller

He who loves not wine, women and song remains a fool his whole life long.

A. Shopenhauer

Great is the fortune of he who possesses a good bottle, a good book, a good friend.


Alcohol is a precious liquid:it keeps everything except secrets.

Cary Grant

Last Prizes and Awards

955 sono il numero dei riconoscimenti ottenuti negli anni dai VINI di Cantine del Notaio


Cantine del Notaio Community

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