Vines and Vineyards

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The Aglianico grape has been well known since ancient Greek times.
Celebrated by the Latin poet Horace, it is grown on the slopes of Mount Vulture. And this is the origin of the three natural factors determining the constitution and ripening of these grapes. Firstly, the volcanic soil is fertile and rich in particular mineral elements. Then the tufo rock layers, deep down, act as water reservoirs during the drier periods of the year: what the local peasants call “milking the tufo”. Thirdly there is the unique micro-climate. The bunches of fruit are carefully selected and knowledgeably handled; they will yield a strong wine with a notable personality, precious ruby red color and complex aromas. For this reason, our Winery has paid especial attention to its choice of vineyards. Our 40 hectares, (approx. 99 acres) are distributed amongst the most characteristic and renowned hillsides in the Mount Vulture area, (the villages of Rionero, Barile, Ripacandida, Maschito and Ginestra), and possess vines more than a hundred years old. These areas have different soils, (sand, volcanic residue, medium consistency or clay) but the same layer of volcanic tufo in common, and a pedoclimatic exposition which allows a perfect ripening of the grapes, amongst the very latest ones to be harvested (mid-October to mid-November).