Varietà Ogliarola

The Ogliarola Cultivar Variety

Synthetic description

Giallo dorato. In evidenza all’olfatto note vegetali di foglia di pomodoro, melanzana, carciofo, mela gialla, banana leggermente matura e soffuse sensazioni di frutta secca ed erbacee.

La bocca è delineata da una struttura pienamente vegetale e in linea con l’olfatto, con la dote piccante e le sensazioni ammandorlate di frutta secca a mantenere il prodotto vivo e in buon equilibrio.

Cernia e carciofi o broccoletti e salsiccia.


High wax content of Ogliarola del Vulture gives to this oil a soft and aromatic taste. Oppisite to Coratina, ogliarola has the highest wax content and the lowest phenolic substances content.
Organoleptic Test:
Green color with elegant golden hues.
Nose: To the nose it reveals an aroma of green olive fruit and grassy notes.
Palate: The taste is particularly delicate and sweet, with nuances of almond, artichoke and olive leaf, followed by a spicy and bitter finish.
Matching Suggestions: Its high wax content makes it elegant, smooth and round, an excellent  condiment
raw or steamed fish dishes and raw vegetables.




50 cl

From aunt Anna, aunt Giulia, aunt Rosa and aunt Raffaella’s cookbook


 Scheda Vino 
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