Intenso nel suo color dorato. Dispensa all’olfatto aromi di erba tagliata accompagnati da cicoria, pomodoro san marzano, cardo e cavoletti di Bruxelles con finale di frutta a polpa gialla.
Al palato riprende il quadro olfattivo, in una struttura delicatamente amara e piccante. Finale di bocca pulito con un’impronta persistente nelle note vegetali
Cicoria e patate stufate o per esaltare baccalà e ceci.
Wax and polyphenols content in the Rotondella is intermediate between Coratina and Ogliarola del Vulture, that makes it particurarly soft and aromatic.
Organoleptic Test:
Colour: Golden Yellow color with light greenish hues.
Nose: To the nose it reveals balanced aromatic harmony, with delicate notes of green olive fruit, artichoke, grass and almond.
Palate: To the palate it is decidedly sweet, with a bitter and spicy persistent finish. The aftertaste is clean, with nuances of grass and almond.
Matching suggestions: Balanced phenolic and wax content makes it particularly smooth and delicate, enhancing the taste of glilled fish, vegetable or carpaccio dishes.
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AWARD-WINNING "BIO DUE FOGLIE ROSSE " BY THE GUIDE OF GAMBERO ROSSO "OLI D'ITALIA" - YEAR 2016From aunt Anna, aunt Giulia, aunt Rosa and aunt Raffaella’s cookbook