Veste color dorato. Coinvolgente all’olfatto con le sensazioni di salvia, origano e timo, seguite da ravanello, carciofo, fave e delicati sbuffi balsamici.
Al gusto si presenta piacevolmente balsamico, con giusto apporto di piccantezza e di amaro che ben si bilanciano con le noti erbacee e vegetali. Persistente, chiude con delicate sensazioni di rucola e pomodoro.
Insalata di fagioli cannellini, polpo e patate; coniglio in padella alle erbe aromatiche.
Coratina oil is naturally rich in anti-oxidising substances and polyphenols. It is a long life product, with a high content of chlorophyll, that makes it fine but “sharp” at the same time.
The wax content is the lower of the four varieties, the phenolic substances content is the higher.
Organoleptic test:
Colour: deep green colour, due to elevated chlorophyll content.
Nose: intense notes of green olive fruit with tones of artichoke and olive leaf.
Palate: intense and persistent notes of grass and bitter almond, with a pleasantly bitter and spicy finish.
Matching Suggestions: A sharp yet harmonic oil; its natural abundance of anti-oxidising polyphenols and tocopherols make it ideal raw, with meat roasts, bean soups, plain or tomato and garlic bruschetta, or rocket salad. It may also be used as a cooking condiment for any kind of food.
50 cl |
AWARDED WITH "BIO TRE FOGLIE" BY " OLI D'ITALIA - GAMBERO ROSSO 2016"From aunt Anna, aunt Giulia, aunt Rosa and aunt Raffaella’s cookbook